Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why doesn't *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?

Some of you said people pray to GOD because they Hope he exists then they won't be afraid of morality/death they hope he exists and this will help them not be afraid anymore...

If that is the cause why don't we see more billions of people depending on Humankind to change there life? Is that what many people who ascribe to the Democrat way of thinking, (Atheists and Liberals) Is this the *Hope* they have... *Hope* and *Dependance* on the government to do for me. change my life make it better because I can see the Government, rather than GOD who I cannot see a GOD who says in Philippians 4:13 In Christ I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord at hand.

Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Phl 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Do you see MAN or GOD changing humankind for the GOOD?Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Well, I've seen what amazing things God has done in my life, things I never could fix on my own, so I trust in Him. I've seen what man does, and most of it is destructive. Man will always disappoint you, because man is not perfect. I've seen man do some good, true, but overall, only God's version of help is ultimately good. God's ways are perfect beyond our imagination.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
what?Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Only the Lord can.

Humankind will always be sinful by nature.

When people allow their hearts to be changed by Christ, then and only then will they be able to decipher true wrong from true right......because now they will have the guidance of the Holy SpiritWhy doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Some people just do things to better themselves. even if it doesnt consider benefiting the rest of humankind. even if it is really bad, so long as they feel better thats good for them

Its quite common. everyone does it.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Actually that kind of hope has caused me to change my life for the good.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I'm trying to change myself for the better all the time. That's what alchemy is all about. Just a side note, I am the brother of hope and joy, and the son of faith, and yes, those are my sisters and mother, lol. %26quot;coincidence%26quot;? I think not.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
You're absolutely right. But I think you'll get a lot of negative responses.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I feel that it does, and I've seen evidence of that many times. Some people claim to have hope, but they've no idea what that means. They expect God to drop showers of blessings on them, while they sit and receive them. Hope is something we hold within us and keeps us on task. We have to work at keeping hope and at fulfilling our own hopes.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
...ugh, Crimmy, you get stupider every time you post here.

Basically, you have just said that the human race is utterly hopeless unless we all back your fantasy. So according to you there is no hope of humanity ever improving itself? What a sad life you must lead if you think that.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
how can a non existent god change anything for goodness sake?

this world of ours is dominated by us, the evolved branch of ape mammal with the developed brain. any changing to be done to the earth, be it good or bad, has to come from us.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
For sure . My God . Man will fail us.

GOD BLESSWhy doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I see God changing it, and I've seen it a lot and its amazing! I don't hope there is a God out there some where, I Know there is and He has been there for me, and has brought me out of so much hurt! He's loving and kind and will always love me no matter what. He is the one I depend on for Everything! and I love him! :)Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
god may inspire man, but man has to do the work.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Man can never change all of humankind for the good because man believes he has choices. Once Man understands that the only way to peace and good is through harmony with God, they will change.

I hope this helps.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
According to God, man has no hope outside of Christ. Man is foul, rebellious, and doesn't understand what spiritual things are unless God gives to knowledge.

I agree with God about that. All hope for mankind is in God.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I hope to 'GOD' you are just a troll.

You're thinking is full of fallacies. I depend on humankind to change my life...I earn money and make a living by providing goods and/or services to other humans, I obtain great value from relationships with family and friends.

I don't waste time praying, since I have power over what I can change, and apathy over what I can't. Quit praying to 'GOD', and get a 'JOB'.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I see God can change humankind for the greater good by way of studying the bible, learning more about Christ, and his ways and slowly becoming more spiritually mature, putting off the old man(mans ways) and putting on the new man in Christ.

In the bible study I belong to under a pastor who teaches from org language, and dispensations, isagogics etc... you get a clear view of what was going on in the time the verse was written, a clear understanding of the parables etc... and of course you must have used 1John 1:9 prior to studying to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

I believe with in depth daily study ( 1/2 hour to an hour daily) one will change over time. I believe it because I too have changed since I started studying Gods word and although I think that people can change for the good without God, it really is much harder, and is considered human-good instead of divine good. If you are using human principles and ideology of the cosmos, rather than divine principles from Gods word.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
People now a days set their eyes on material things, money, power, success. Yet miltimillionaires and successful wallstreet execs commit suicide at the first sign of trouble. Many superstars have success and fame, yet are addicted to every kind of substance out there. Every man no matter how wonderful still has the capacity for sin.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
The Bible says that God will not change mankind for good, but will change individual that He will save for good.

There is no hope for humankind as a whole because they Bible says that everything will be destroyed in the end. But for the individual true believers there there is still hope for salvation.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Human depravity.

We are doomed creatures without Christ, and spiritually speaking dead without regeneration.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Because sense the dawn of time man has lead man to his destruction, and they never fail.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
I see both man and God changing humanity for the good. I don't think that God will help us if we don't help ourselves and I don't think we are deserving of God's help if we don't help those who cannot help themselves.

Crimmy, you seem to be under the notion that Democrats are non-religious and all dependent on the system. I am a liberal Democrat. I have never received government assistance, other than in the form of student loan guarantees. I am also a person of faith. I see no contradiction between my faith and religion. In fact, I would feel a cognitive dissonance if I became a conservative Republican with my fundamental beliefs. Be careful with broad generalizations, because they might not be true.

Since you like Biblical quotes, I would offer another one for consideration: %26quot;Justice, justice shall you pursue%26quot; (Deuteronomy 16:20). I would argue that providing for the needy is one of the highest forms of social justice. I would understand where you'd disagree on that point.Why doesn%26039;t *Hope* in man cause people to change there life for the good?
Good sermon C%26amp;C.

God is my Peace,Joy,Hope,Source,Giver of Life,Redeemer,Etc.,etc.,etc,

What hope,joy or confidence can the govt,atheist,Liberals,selfish greed,rejecting Jesus,Etc. give a person?