Sunday, November 21, 2010

How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?

i explain it as what it is, the Lord living in our hearts. once we submit to Him fully and the Holy Spirit enters in, He molds us, changes us into usable vessels, usable to advance the Kingdom.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?

I'm sure that followers of all religions can testify to life-changing experiences with their gods too. Are they right as well?How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
As what it is, anecdotal stories.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
See above ^ for best answerHow do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
The same way I explain Charlie Manson changing the lives of his Family.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
The same as I would explain the changed lives of a Muslim through Allah and a Jew through Yaweh... self serving rationalization.

I have no doubt you *think* your life has changed because of your imaginary friend. But that's more reflective of your inability to deal with life's curve balls independently.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
Some people use catalyst events to break psychological barriers. This is not new. What is problematic is that religions are not clean changes. Rather, they are exchanges of one set of habits for another, the second sometimes being disastrous.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
Meth changes lives.

College changes lives.

Marriage changes lives.

There is nothing magical about how a commitment to following Christ can change your life--lots of things can.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
It is very common, it is a form of advertisement for the neutral party or the opposing party to join their useless congregation who knows nothing but Jesus and Jesus and Jesus

with their manipulation, which make human turn into a living zombie that causes that zombie to spread the false beliefs and so onHow do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
I don't doubt that people can change their lives totally because of a subjective experience. However, one person's response to a perceived event doesn't necessarily validate what they perceived. The United States has undergone some radical changes since they invaded Iraq in 2003 because of a belief that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear weapons. Does it mean the weapons were there?How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
As you can see from the submissions already pouring in, one most first believe that the changes manifested in you could even possibly be the result of %26quot;something greater%26quot;.

A changed life is, indeed, wonderful and it should stand as testimony to others. But it will only stand as testimony to those who already lean towards a belief in deity. Those living with no such belief will retort with the very material you see in these responses.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
I expect some theists who become atheists feel some sort of liberty and relief that is equally life changing when they dump their god or gods.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
I would be happy for them if the change in their life was for the better, but I know for a fact you can't have an experience with a person who's been dead for two thousand years...

Many of the teachings in the Gospels are common sense, but to some people %26quot;being loving and helpful and compassionate to other people%26quot; is a %26quot;divine%26quot; revelation for some reason.

%26quot;And%26quot; I understand that if a person didn't have enough common sense to realize that being good is better than being bad, then finding out somebody actually sacrificed their life and became a Martyr for that idea thousands of years ago might seem pretty amazing...How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with LSD?How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
It's no trick to have a life changing experience by joining a group.How do you explain the changed lives of most people who testify to a life changing experience with Christ?
Psychotics reach for anything.
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