Sunday, November 21, 2010

How did life change for people economically when the nazi's gained power?

i have to write an essay about how the rise of Nazi's caused life to changed politically economically and socially for people and how life changed for children as a result of the Nazis coming to power in 1933How did life change for people economically when the nazi%26039;s gained power?
Before Hitler came in there was high unemployment. Hitler instituted a socialist economy. Every able-bodied worker now had a job. Every factory now had a staff of workers. This means the economy flourished. A worker could not be fired - companies lost the authority to do that. However, a worker could not leave his job either - could not quit, could not transfer employment to another company. If a worker was slack on the job he could face arrest. Even though everyone was working the real wages actually dipped a little from before. Taxes grew and numerous fees and %26quot;charitable contributions%26quot; were put in. The contributions were voluntary, but not giving enough or giving begrudgingly could (again) lead to arrest. So on one hand conditions improved. But at the same time the standard of living went down.

Children entered the Hitler Youth. Here they hiked, camped out and learned outdoor skills. They also attended classes to indoctrinate them into Nazi philosophy. The boys also faced military-style drills. The girls were used to go door to door collecting for the many Nazi %26quot;charities%26quot; (give generously or you may be at risk).