I realized that I have a lot in common with other people thousands of miles away from me.. and at the same time it helped me to relate to people who don't share my demographics. that say live right across the street.
When you learn a language.. it becomes apart of you.. of your life and you will always share a connection with the people who speak that language.. for me i learned spanish when i was 11 and that was just the beginning for me- the end.. well its pretty much intangible right now.. i cant wait to get out there and travel and go to India.. and Guatemala.. Italy.. everywhere!
My perspective:
I know i will teach my children english and spanish..
I will probably adopt a child from a %26quot;third-world-country%26quot; (even though it's %26quot;third-world%26quot; i'm sure I'll have a lot to learn and soak up there)
My tolerance of things is a lot higher (but that's only partly due to bilingualism.. the rest is discipline)
Music.. o wow. Music is my life and I'm sure that [if i wasn't myself] and i wasn't open to my Bhangra, and my reggaeton and Tiziano Ferro.. that I wouldn't have HALF of my music library right now.
I'm really one of those people who believes and understands that we're all equal. Environment can change most things... but not everything.. we're all still human.. we're people- bottom line.How has bilingualism changed your perspective on other people, life and culture?
with people 鈫?some people say %26quot;Wow you speak 4languages!!! :O )
life 鈫?i can communicate with all people around the world who speak the languages i speak (i'm a french native speaker so when i learned english, i was able to communicate with like 2billions of people around the world instead of like 100millions (sorry i don't know how many people speak english around the world). And also it can offer me ore change to be accept for a job or other thing like that.
culture 鈫?i can communicate with more people so i can know more thing about other cultures.