who testify to a life changing experience with Jesus Christ?How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
People seeking love undergo a positive change when they think they've found it.
People who can't always love and accept themselves find solace in the belief that an unseen, silent deity loves and accepts them.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Delusion is a powerful tool. Religionists throughout history have proven themselves very adept at promoting it.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
How do you explain the same with other religions?How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
How do you explain all those who's lives have changed due to Islam? Or Scientology? Or Buddhism?How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Its called the placebo effect. People convince themselves that something is helping them, then they rely on that belief in order to actually change. It is all in the head. I'm happy if people are leading better lives because of it, I just wish they realized that they have only themselves and their own inner strength to thank for the change.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Warning! This question employs the logical fallacy argumentum ad populum, or %26quot;appeal to the masses.%26quot;How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
They believe what they want to. They either change their own lives and foolishly attribute it to God or they have some sort of placebo effect going on spiritually. Regardless, your point is silly and ineffectual.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
How do you explain the millions of Americans who testify that their life was changed after aliens abducted and anal-probed them?How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Whatever changes they experienced, other people have had while worshiping what you would call %26quot;false%26quot; gods. Or, even, worse, by other methods that required no unjustified belief in ANY gods.
Which just goes to show that it has nothing to do with your God, but some more integral part of the human psyche.
Try again.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Im sure it bring joy joy feelingsHow do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Alcohol changed the lives of millions of people throughout history. Should we worship that?
Automobiles have changed the lives of billions of people. By your logic automobiles are more worthy of worship than Jesus. Not that I disagree since I think Jesus is just a scam.
Think before you post your question.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Do you mean something like the Dark Ages when Christianity ruled supreme in Europe?
Imagine what the world might be like if the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions of the 1800s had occurred in the 800s.
Christianity, alone, is responsible for that lost 1,000 years of knowledge and social and technological advancement.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
I think they have found something that gives them a lot of hope. It provides them a sense of relief, where as before they may have been confused and felt life was hopeless.
But, people do that just fine without JC. Some people find other religions which give the exact same benefits, and some people find it elsewhere. This alone, shows me that JC is not a mystical creature nor a requirement for happiness.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
How do those who believe in such changed life stories explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history, myself included, who testify to a life-changing experience with a Pre-Christian deity?How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
The same way I explain the way people change over time to adapt to their enviroment. . .
How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Oh okay, you're referring to those who suffered because of the descrimination and intolerance many early Christians had. Yeah, I'd say their lives were changed for the worse.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, I think you're talking about the millions of people Christianity has killed, the countless wars it has waged, families it has destroyed, and etc. The problem is I don't know what you mean by %26quot;explain%26quot; them.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
I have met people who say their life was changed by Christianity. But I also met a man who said his life was changed by Islam. I bet if I lived in a Muslim country I would meet more people who say there life was changed by Islam than Christianity. I also have met a person who said there life was changed by yoga. Another person told me his life was changed by %26quot;The Essence of Reality,%26quot; a religious system he discovered. Tom Cruise and others say their lives were changed by Scientology. I could go on and on with other examples.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
It's pretty much the story of the millions, (or billions) who say their lives were changed by:
having a child,
getting married,
graduating from school,
visiting another country,
having a life-threatening disease and recovering,
seeing the ocean for the first time,
climbing a mountain.
Big things change lives. How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
Saying yes to Jesus accepts the good God has to offer and their life changes.How do you explain the changed lives of millions of people throughout history?
I give glory to God for them!