Thursday, September 22, 2011

How can I help ? I found a product that is changing peoples lives.How can I help and stay within guidelines ?

Tricky one. I had the experience myself a few years ago where a friend was greatly helped by a product I'd told him about (in a couple of weeks it completely cleared up a chronic skin condition that he'd suffered from for years).

I went on a discussion group pertaining to that skin condition and nobody wanted to know -- they thought I was a scamster. I was pretty naive, and well, all I can tell you is that it's a tricky one to advise you on, and you may make a few mistakes and ruffle a few feathers on the way. If your motives are sincere, honest and out of a desire to help people without deceiving them, then you should succeed in your quest!How can I help ? I found a product that is changing peoples lives.How can I help and stay within guidelines ?
Please share with us!
  • can i help you
  • pets