Would Really Like As Much Information As Possible Have An Essay To Write ThanksWhy would people change from hunter-gatherers to agrarians? How did this transition change overall life? ?
Planting crops gave agrarian societies a much more stable, reliable and plentiful food supply than hunting and gathering did.
Planting crops also required people to stay in one place to tend their fields rather than moving around as nomadic hunter-gatherers did. This led to the establishment of permanent settlements and towns.
The increased food supply that came from settled agrarian living meant that not every adult in the community had to be employed full time at finding or producing food. Some people could become specialists in other occupations -- they could become full time artisans or craftsmen working at various trades, merchants trading with neighboring villages, priests or priestesses, soldiers. Agrarian societies prospered accordingly. Over time, their greater prosperity and stable, reliable food supply meant that people could have more children and support larger families. Populations grew. Over time, the increased prosperity led to the rise of a hereditary chief or noble class as well.Why would people change from hunter-gatherers to agrarians? How did this transition change overall life? ?
Hunting was a dangerous practice for tribes. Growing crops provided food, and kept the men alive (not gored by warthogs/sabre tooth tigers). Those that discovered farming and irrigation were able to survive because the tribes no longer had to travel from location to location. Tribes became stationary, tribal counsels established, and primitive nations began to emerge. Why would people change from hunter-gatherers to agrarians? How did this transition change overall life? ?
Its lunch time, what would you rather do, go to the fridge and make a sandwich, or go hunting.
How would you rather live your life? Live in the part of the world you like, or follow heards around all year.
Why would people change from hunter-gatherers to agrarians? How did this transition change overall life? ?
It gave them a settled way of life which meant they could stay near the same water supply and build better shelters.
Growing crops gave them a surplus of food to last them through the winter and trade with other people.