Thursday, June 2, 2011

What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?

I really want to try DMT, but I hear your perspective on life changes. I am not quiet sure what is meant by that.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
Many people say that hallucinogens like DMT or LSD will destroy your mind. Others, say that it can actually improve your overall well-being. The truth is most likely somewhere in the middle, but regardless of who's telling you what, they WILL change you. How it changes you depends on who you are mentally and what your going through in life at the time.

For example, you may suddenly realize that plants are living beings. Now, everyone knows that plants are living organisms, but its one thing to know something and completely another to KNOW something. Its the difference between knowing that its hard to lose someone close to you, and actually watching your best friend die.

These substances are very powerful and can easily do more damage than help. It has been shown that hallucinogens can trigger Paranoid Personality Disorder, or exacerbate existing disorders. I would not use either if you dont know exactly what your doing, especially DMT. DMT is significantly more powerful than LSDWhat do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
I have to argue that the book %26quot;DMT: The Spirit Molecule%26quot; by Rick Strassman shows almost no negative side effects of DMT. In fact, every user has almost exactly the same visions while on it, and almost the same reaction afterwards, all of which are positive/enthusiastic due to some great revelation

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What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
Both are ridiculously powerful, but if you're willing to try both - start small on LSD then decide if you're ready for DMT afterward. DMT is diff every time you do it, but when it really WORKs like intended, nothing could have prepared you. at the time it's overwhealming, but definitely worth it..

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What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
Nearly everyone i know who has had a %26quot;bad trip%26quot; on DMT says that they are still grateful for the experience. Ever since my 3rd DMT trip i have seen beauty and love in more aspects of life then before the trip. LSD/DMT have easily been two of the most largest influence on my view of life as i know it

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What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
You guys have no idea what you are talking about. I studied in the Amazon Rainforest and in Peru with shamanic healers, some who used DMT based hallucinogenic rituals to communicate with the Divine Mother, and who have been for 1000's of years.

Mother Earth is a conscious living being, as are WE ALL

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What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
My close friend whose done LSD alot of times

says he feels smarter and he says he can

concentrate more now. i think its true. i really

think his perspective on life changed. and hes

more calmer than he was before.!!What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
we grow up thinking that everything we see is only what it appears to be on the surface. with LSD, a temporary connection to higher centers is established and we see the REAL world for however long we are %26quot;high%26quot;. We forget 99.9999% of what we experience except this: that THIS world is an illusion.

What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
Friend told me once, if you like who you are, do not take DMT, LSD, or Mushrooms.

I took his advice.

And I truly do like myself and everyone around me more than I did before.

Its all about how much you will it to be bro.

If you are worried about it, it might have some scary stuff in it.

If you are not, then it is all sunshine and laughter.. everywhere.

Also: look at Juelz's comment, that holds true for me and others I have known.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
I havnt tried DMT personally.. but i've experienced LSD dozen's of times. LSD is an incredibly powerful psychedelic drug.. i've you've ever tried any psychedelics drugs you'll kind of understand how it can change your perspective on life, if not well..

It's like what a previous poster said, you see the world for what it really is on LSD almost.. because your able to think above and beyond what is possible at a sober level. You'll see the beauty that's pretty much glanced over in normal day life.. it opens your mind too an unimaginable world of thoughts.. the most amazing mind opening experience for me was where i watched how audio would ripple through the tree's and moonlight.. that does actually happen, its just we cant see that when we're sober.

Now its absolutely true what the above poster said, if you like who you are.. then dont go exploring the world of psychedelics, i hated who i was before i experienced LSD.. i was very arrogant, selfish and close minded.. i love the way it changed me, that i can be more calm, relaxed and really appreciative of life and the world around me..

It's hard to explain, but if you take a strong enough dose.. it may open your mind too just how beautiful the world really is.. and how much we dont realize whats right infront of us hehe.

Fun Fact: Alot of people dont know this, but DMT naturally occurs in the human body in tiny amounts.. it's theorized that it's responsible for our dreams, that when we sleep a small amount of DMT is released which allows us too dream, but it's actual function as not been proved yet.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
i haven't done DMT yet, but i have eaten acid i would sum it up as a higher understanding of life in general. I was at work 2 days ago my 2nd day on the ******* job and i got some dude to buy me forty's i keep my money in a rubber band so i go outside to put them in my bag and give him 5 bucks and i some how dropped 275.00 on the ground. i got home realized i didn't have it got really pissed, but i was over it within an hour only because now i realize how the world truly works, **** happens. its only money there are bigger things to worry about. the perspective change is good. trust me.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
As someone who has taken alot of psychedelics, I'd say one thing is not caring about the norms. Ever wonder why hippies were so damn weird? You realize all the social norms, gender roles, ect we're supposed to follow are pretty stupid. If you're a guy and you wanna wear a skirt and flowers in your hair do it. If you're a girl and you don't wanna shave your legs and dress all grungy do it. Life is hard, you spent your entire life working in a struggle to be comfortable and to keep death off and to hope for those leisure moments we get. Do what makes you happy.

Also I don't mean do ANYTHING that makes you happy, like child molestors should still be kicked in the nuts and put in jail.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
You're knocking off some brain cells you'd be using otherwise.

So, yeah.

What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds!?What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
As someone who has done both of these, I can honestly advise you not to do them.

I really regret doing them. I feel slower since I've done them. Please stay away.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?

Your perspective on life is perfectly fine without drugs. Take some classes, get new friends, go sky-diving, buy a dog, get a new girlfriend, volunteer, go to church, be a Big Brother.

Drugs are NOT the way to improve your life. Drugs will only make your life worse. Anybody that tells you that illegal drugs will enhance your life.....IS LYING TO YOU. This is NOT your firend. Dump them fast.What do people mean when they say DMT or LSD changes your perspective on life?
it screws u up so u dont think straight so dont try it!