Yesterday, the electric motor on my roller door broke down. I’m now stuck here in my unit waiting for the repairman to come and fix it because I can’t get my car out. I’ve got a job I’ve got to get ready for a customer and because I can’t get my car out to go and get the material I need, this customer is going to be disappointed with me for not getting his job ready on time. What can I do about it? Nothing! Not a damn thing! Out of 50 units, mine is the only roller door motor that broke down. I feel a bit like asking, “Why me? Why did my roller door motor break down and not the guy next door?”
But then I thought, this is a random occurrence, I should feel special. The events affecting this situation I’m in here at present were probably set in motion 10 years ago when some dodgy tradies were here installing the roller door. Maybe in the near future I’ll be able to look back and say, “If I had have been able to go out in my car that day, then I would have been involved in a bad car accident or I would have been caught up in some gang related drive by shooting (there’s been a few of those here in Sydney, lately), you know, maybe my being delayed is part of an ongoing chain of bizarre but purely coincidental random events.”
I admit, this is a coping mechanism, but what else can I do? I don’t believe in any god or higher power, so I can’t attribute this as part of the plan of some omnipotent being. All I can do is play my part in this ongoing melodrama. I don’t believe the script for the melodrama is prewritten; it’s being made up as we go but with memory, we have the ability to look back over events after they have occurred and think, “That was certainly a series of bizarre, coincidental random events.” How do you deal with life’s unexpected unfortunate occurrences?In Randomology, when unfortunate life changing events occur, people feel special; is this a good thing?
over 500 points !!!
And still not suspended !!
Congrats !!!!
I know you have been through about a hundred accounts !!
Oh, and you are wrong GOD DID do it....In Randomology, when unfortunate life changing events occur, people feel special; is this a good thing?
When good things happen, good.
When bad things happen, good.
Still, you COULD take a cab.In Randomology, when unfortunate life changing events occur, people feel special; is this a good thing?
If you do not subscribe to there being a God and therefore life has no ulterior reason for being, then you must subscribe to life's randomness and in so subscribing, you must accept the fall of the cards.
How you cope with the hand you are dealt with is the measure of your intelligence and maturity and goes a long way in assigning to you your level of comfort.
You seem to have a durable philosophy on the face of it but make sure your philosophy does not become negatively charged in response to a few consecutive negative events.
A positive outlook attracts positive happenings. Laugh in the face of adversity and you will find that adversity becomes ever more scarce.
You can only be what you are at any given moment. Concentrate on building what you are into a formidably strong and positively based entity and you will find life somehow smiles on you more often. Cheers!In Randomology, when unfortunate life changing events occur, people feel special; is this a good thing?
What is randomology ?