whether it's a terminal diagnosis or near death experience ...
Do you know anyone who was a former partier, lacked spirituality in life, or whatever, who's life changed drastically after this experience?
Do you know anyone who didn't change but just experienced sadness and despair?Do most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
Sometimes there perspective on life will change. Mostly because they realize how everything can be over within the blink of an eye.Do most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
yes, as it shouldDo most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
I suppose, but you already knew thatDo most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
YES N YESDo most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
I guess it all depends on how your life was threatened. I had a heart attack and didn't know that it had happened until much later. I have since come to realize that I really will die. The wake up call hasn't really changed my life but it has changed my attitude toward death.Do most people%26039;s life perspective greatly change after facing life threatening event?
this happened to me. i had a near death experience and it showed me how important our lives are, it made me appreciate life more.